CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 588 DISCUSSION
« Back to Main MenuDrag and drop the snippets onto the blanks within the code to construct a script that configures BGP according to the topology. Not all options are used, and some options may be used twice.
Drag and drop the snippets onto the blanks within the code to construct a script that configures BGP according to the topology. Not all options are used, and some options may be used twice.
1. 65001
3. 65000
This question did not tell us which router we are configuring so we suppose we are configuring Client router (which is more reasonable). Therefore in the first box we have to enter the BGP AS number (same as “router bgp {as-number}” command).
In the second and third box we have to configure BGP neighbor information (same as “neighbor {neighbor-IP-address} remote-as {remote-as}” command).
In the last box we have to configure under “address-family ipv4” mode so we need to type the neighbor IP address once more.