CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 574 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-07-06
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What is the difference between the MAC address table and TCAM?

A. The MAC address table supports partial matches
B. TCAM requires an exact match. TCAM is used to make L2 forwarding decisions.CAM is used to build routing tables.
C. Router prefix lookups happen in TCAM . MAC address table lookups happen in CAM
D. The MAC address table is contained in TCAM.ACL and QoS information is stored in CAM

What is the difference between the MAC address table and TCAM?

A. The MAC address table supports partial matches
B. TCAM requires an exact match. TCAM is used to make L2 forwarding decisions.CAM is used to build routing tables.
C. Router prefix lookups happen in TCAM . MAC address table lookups happen in CAM
D. The MAC address table is contained in TCAM.ACL and QoS information is stored in CAM

Correct Answer: C

CAM is used by routers for IP address lookups, and TCAM is used to make Layer 2 forwarding decisions.

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wrong answer..

B,C and D  answers are wrong..

A-Yes, the MAC address table, also known as the Content Addressable Memory (CAM) table, supports partial matches for ACL purposes. The table is used to determine where to forward traffic on a LA

2024-04-27 20:06:32

CAM tables provide only two results: 0 (true) or 1 (false). CAM is most useful for building tables that search on exact matches such as MAC address tables

TCAM provides three results: 0, 1, and "don't care." TCAM is most useful for building tables for searching on longest matches such as IP routing tables organized by IP prefixes. The TCAM table stores ACL, QoS and other information generally associated with upper-layer processing. As a result of using TCAM, applying ACLs does not affect the performance of the switch.




2024-08-10 17:24:36
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