CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 471 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-30
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An engineer runs the code against an API of Cisco DNA Center, and the platform returns this output. What does the response indicate?


A. The authentication credentials are incorrect
B. The URI string is incorrect
C. The Cisco DNA Center API port is incorrect
D. The HTTP method is incorrect

An engineer runs the code against an API of Cisco DNA Center, and the platform returns this output. What does the response indicate?


A. The authentication credentials are incorrect
B. The URI string is incorrect
C. The Cisco DNA Center API port is incorrect
D. The HTTP method is incorrect

Correct Answer: D

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not focus the coding, focus only Response 405.

Some HTTP codes and their meanings;

200 = OK.

201 = Created.

400 = Bad Request.

401 = Unauthorized.

402 = Payment Required.

403 = Forbidden.

404 = Not found.

405 = Method Not Allowed.


The 405 Method Not Allowed is an HTTP response status code indicating that the server received and recognized the specified request HTTP method, but the server rejected that particular method for the requested resource. This code response confirms that the requested resource is valid and exists, but the client has used an ***unacceptable HTTP method*** during the request.

2024-04-25 15:49:39
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