CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 461 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-07-13
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When is an external antenna used inside a building?

A. only when using 5 GHz
B. only when using 2.4 GHz
C. when it provides the required coverage
D. only when using Mobility Express

When is an external antenna used inside a building?

A. only when using 5 GHz
B. only when using 2.4 GHz
C. when it provides the required coverage
D. only when using Mobility Express

Correct Answer: C

In fact, most external antennas are used in outdoor spaces, but they can also be used inside, for example in warehouses. That is because warehouses can be quite large in space, and often overcome 25 feet which is the maximum at which internal antennas perform well.

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