CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 425 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-27
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What is the function of cisco DNA center in a cisco SD-access deployment?

A. It is responsible for routing decisions inside the fabric
B. It is responsible for the design,management,deployment,provisioning,and assurance of the fabric network devices
C. It possesses information about all endponints,nodes,and extemal network related to the fabric
D. It provides integration and automation for all noonfabric nodes and their fabric counterparts.

Correct Answer: B

What is the function of cisco DNA center in a cisco SD-access deployment?

A. It is responsible for routing decisions inside the fabric
B. It is responsible for the design,management,deployment,provisioning,and assurance of the fabric network devices
C. It possesses information about all endponints,nodes,and extemal network related to the fabric
D. It provides integration and automation for all noonfabric nodes and their fabric counterparts.

Correct Answer: B

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