CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 349 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-26
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Which signal strength and noise values meet the minimum SNR for voice networks?

A. signal strength -69 dBm, noise 94 dBm
B. signal strength -67 dBm, noise 91 dBm
C. signal strength -68 dBm, noise 89 dBm
D. signal strength -66 dBm, noise 90 dBm

Which signal strength and noise values meet the minimum SNR for voice networks?

A. signal strength -69 dBm, noise 94 dBm
B. signal strength -67 dBm, noise 91 dBm
C. signal strength -68 dBm, noise 89 dBm
D. signal strength -66 dBm, noise 90 dBm

Correct Answer: B

The minimum recommended wireless signal strength for voice applications is -67 dBm and the minimum SNR is 25 dB.

15 dB to 25 dB: is typically considered the minimally acceptable level to establish poor connectivity. 
25 dB to 40 dB: is deemed to be good.

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The ans should be A: 94 - 25 = 69dbm

2024-09-08 18:13:46

The answer should be D: -66dbm is much better signal and 91-24=66. A can´t be because the minimun requitred is >=-67dbm

2024-11-24 09:36:43
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