CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 236 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-25
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Which characteristic distinguishes Ansible from Chef?

A. Ansible lacs redundancy support for the master server. Chef runs two masters in an active/active mode
B. Ansible uses Ruby to manage configurations. Chef uses YAML to manage configurations
C. Ansible pushes the configuration to the client. Chef client pulls the configuration from the server
D. The Ansible server can run on Linux, Unix or Windows. The Chef server must run on Linux or Unix

Which characteristic distinguishes Ansible from Chef?

A. Ansible lacs redundancy support for the master server. Chef runs two masters in an active/active mode
B. Ansible uses Ruby to manage configurations. Chef uses YAML to manage configurations
C. Ansible pushes the configuration to the client. Chef client pulls the configuration from the server
D. The Ansible server can run on Linux, Unix or Windows. The Chef server must run on Linux or Unix

Correct Answer: C

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