CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 181 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-24
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How does the RIB differ from the FIB?

A. The RIB is used to create network topologies and routing tables. The FIB is a list of routes to particular network destination
B. The FIB indudes many routes to a single destination. The RIB is the best route to a single destination.
C. The RIB includes many routes to the same destination prefix. The FIB contains only the best route.
D. The FIB maintains network topologies and routing tables. The RIB is a list of routes to particular network destinations.

How does the RIB differ from the FIB?

A. The RIB is used to create network topologies and routing tables. The FIB is a list of routes to particular network destination
B. The FIB indudes many routes to a single destination. The RIB is the best route to a single destination.
C. The RIB includes many routes to the same destination prefix. The FIB contains only the best route.
D. The FIB maintains network topologies and routing tables. The RIB is a list of routes to particular network destinations.

Correct Answer: C

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