CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 167 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-24
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How do agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools compare?

A. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes
B. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
C. Agent-based tools do not require instaltation of additional software packages on the slave nodes
D. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes

How do agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools compare?

A. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes
B. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
C. Agent-based tools do not require instaltation of additional software packages on the slave nodes
D. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes

Correct Answer: B

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