CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 166 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-24
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What is the purpose of an RP in PIM?

A. send join messages toward a multicast source SPT
B. ensure the shortest path the multicast source to the receiver
C. receive IGMP joins from multicast receivers
D. secure the communiation channel between the multicast sender and receiver

What is the purpose of an RP in PIM?

A. send join messages toward a multicast source SPT
B. ensure the shortest path the multicast source to the receiver
C. receive IGMP joins from multicast receivers
D. secure the communiation channel between the multicast sender and receiver

Correct Answer: A

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shortest-path tree

A path from a multicast source (the root of the tree) through the network to the receivers in the multicast group. The source tree is the shortest path that a multicast packet can take from source to receiver, so it is also known as the. shortest-path tree (SPT)

2024-04-09 17:01:25

Multicast PIM sparse mode requires an RP (Rendezvous Point) as a meeting point in the network for all multicast traffic.

The candidate RP is a router that announces itself that it wants to be an RP for the network. It does so by sending RP announcement packets to the multicast address.

Multicast PIM Auto RP example

2024-04-18 13:40:16
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