CCNP 350-401 ENCOR Question 64 DISCUSSION

  • 2023-06-22
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Which statement about agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools is true?

A. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes.
B. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
C. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
D. Agent-based tools do not require installation of additional software packages on the slave nodes.

Which statement about agent-based versus agentless configuration management tools is true?

A. Agentless tools use proxy nodes to interface with slave nodes.
B. Agentless tools require no messaging systems between master and slaves.
C. Agent-based tools do not require a high-level language interpreter such as Python or Ruby on slave nodes.
D. Agent-based tools do not require installation of additional software packages on the slave nodes.

Correct Answer: B

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